How does a Psychic reading work?
As a Psychic, Lisa provides life guidance around every day issues including, relationships, career, family and home, finances and health. Using her gifts, Lisa will help you navigate through these areas of life and the ever-changing outcomes and potentials.
Lisa gently guides you through the discovery and releasing of blocks and limiting beliefs that keep you from expressing the greatest aspect of you and the fulfillment of your greatest wants, dreams and desires. Her ultimate goal is to empower you to make choices that will give way to creating the greatest life possible for you, now and in the future.
How does a Mediumship reading work?
As a Medium, Lisa connects you to loved ones who have crossed over and are now in spirit. It is common for more than one spirit to come forward during a session, to share their love and guidance with those they have left behind.
Messages are received in many ways, including clairvoyance (clear seeing), clairaudience (clear hearing), clairsentience (clear feeling), claircognizance (clear knowing) and physically using psychometry (sensing a physical object like a piece of jewelry or clothing or holding a photo) or by simply giving her a name.
How does a Trance Channel reading work?
As a Trance Channel, Lisa blends her energy with the Angelic and Universal realms and allows only the highest and greatest energies of these higher realms to come through.
In a meditative state, Lisa gives voice to Ascended Masters and Universal energies. In the past, energies such as Arch Angel Michael, Arch Angel Metatron, Gaia (Mother Earth) and other higher consciousness beings have come forth to deliver messages of hope and inspiration and provide guidance for everyday living.
Is a Mediumship reading scary?
No. Your reading may bring on great emotion, you might cry, you might laugh, you might be surprised, but it's not scary! Spirit wishes to connect with you to express their love for you as well as bring you closure and healing.
Will you tell me something bad?
No. Spirit will deliver messages to you in a loving, kind way. They will share with you information you need to hear, but it may not be what you want to hear, which is very different from being told something bad.
Can I ask questions?
Absolutely! I recommend to everyone that comes to see me that you write down as many questions as you can to make sure we make the most of your time. It will also ensure that you get most, if not all, of your questions answered.
I don't know what to expect?
I suggest to everyone to come with an open mind. Do not set any expectation of your visit, but just allow yourself to sink into the experience with an open mind and an open heart. Just allow yourself to have fun!
Do I have to give you my name?
I work with the energetic vibration of your birth name and the names of your deceased loved ones. In order to make the most of your time, I may request your birth name and the names of deceased loved ones you are trying to reach during your reading, but not before.
I don't want hear from dead people.
I hear this more often than you may think. Not everyone that comes to me wants to hear from deceased loved ones. I work with a lot of clients on their love life, career, family, etc. It's not always about who is on the other side, it's about creating a full-filling life for yourself while you are still here and providing you with the best guidance possible on your journey.
Do I believe in God?
I absolutely, fully and completely believe in a higher power, God if you will, or Creator, or Source. I, in no way shape or form, have any judgment over how others choose to refer to their higher power. I also absolutely, fully and completely believe that my faith has not been put aside, but has been the foundation on which I have built my work, truly. I consider myself a spiritualist, believing in ALL things.
Will my reading be kept confidential?
Yes. Your information is exactly that, your information and will not be shared with anyone. Will I remember what I tell you? Not usually. The information comes through me and is not for me. Once I give the reading I usually will not remember much about what was discussed.
Can you still catch my vibe by phone/Skype/Facetime?
Doing readings in person or via phone/Skype/Facetime all work the same for me, it's truly a personal preference of the client. I read for people all over the world with no problem. Think of it this way, as humans we are bound by time and space, but as spirit there are no limits.
Are the sessions recorded?
Yes, I will record the reading and send you a copy immediately following your session to an email address via DropBox. You are also welcome to bring a recording device and record the session as well. I highly suggest notes be taken as my experience has been that some recording devices get their batteries drained from the energy or the device ends up not recording anything and you lose valuable information. Please bring a notepad and pen with you to your session.
More About Me.
I was raised as a Baptist and began working professionally as a Psychic Medium around 2010. I consider myself a vessel for spirit to deliver messages to their loved ones. I also work as a channel for Ascended Masters and other Angelic Beings thru a process called Trance Channeling. I'm both humbled and honored to do the work I do for spirit. I believe it is a gift to communicate with the angels, loved ones who have passed over and other beings from higher divine light. Being a Psychic Medium and Trance Channel is a very sacred act and is treated as such.
If you would like to ask a question which you feel would be helpful to others, please submit your question in an email to or submit via the Contact Form.
"Before your thoughts can even become spoken words, they ARE."
--Gaia, Channeled message by Lisa Noland-Shalosky,
Psychic Medium