Have you been wanting to explore your intuitive abilities further than just in a classroom setting? Then this is the circle for you!
Come explore your spiritual gifts and spend time practicing your Psychic Mediumship skills with the loving guidance and support of Lisa Noland-Shalosky. Each month the group will do practice readings, both Psychic and Mediumship, as well as psychometry and so much more.
Cost: $33.00
When: First Thursday of Every Month
Time: 2pm-4pm OR 6pm-8pm
Location: The Reiki Center, 1540 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212
Website: www.TheReikiCenter.net
To Register, please call The Reiki Center at 614.486.8323 or email: office@thereikicenter.net
Have you ever had a hunch about something, and it happened? Are you affected by the energy and emotions of other people? Are you just curious if you have a psychic gift?
Come join in the fun as Lisa takes you on a journey to discover your own psychic gifts and how to stay connected to the world around you in a more positive way.
This is a one-day course for those who are just curious or want to learn how to expand on their own Psychic gifts.
This course will cover:
Psychic vs Mediumship
Understanding the Ego and the importance of practicing Love and Gratitude
Automatic Writing and Connecting to your Soul
What is Energy and how does it affect us?
Spiritual Hygiene
Understanding Negative Emotions and how they affect us
The Energy Body and the Aura
Importance of the Aura and the Layers of the Auric Field
Strengthening the Aura and Psychic Protection
The Chakra System and Spiritual Cord
Energetic Cords and how to cut them
Why do people contact Psychics/Psychic Junkies
How we connect (Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance)
Important elements of a Psychic Reading (Past/Present/Future)
Understanding Signs and Symbols and creating a Psychic Library
Understanding and Using Tools of the Trade (Oracle Cards, Pendulums, Dowsing Rods and more)
Psychometry - how to read objects and pictures
Psychic Do’s and Don’ts
Come and join in the fun and be empowered with tools to help you expand your knowledge and spread your wings as you Discover Your Psychic Self!
Cost: $225.00
When: Saturday, January 25, 2025
Time: 9am-6pm
Location: The Reiki Center, 1540 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212
Website: www.TheReikiCenter.net
To Register, please call The Reiki Center at 614.486.8323 or email: office@thereikicenter.net, or visit www.TheReikiCenter.net/Calendar
"After taking your Psychic Development class I felt so empowered. Your gifts as both psychic and teacher are phenomenal. You were careful to include and to support each one of us, coaching, guiding, and bolstering. The mix of presented materials, demonstrations, and group exercises provided a lively and stimulating class. Thank you for the carefully selected written materials, too, and the follow-up with additional resources. What light you bring to all." Cherla M., OH January 2025
"I had the pleasure of taking Lisa’s Discovering Your Psychic Self Class this weekend. WOW! What a fantastic experience. Lisa is a fabulous teacher! She makes the class so interesting and fun. The class is provided in a nonjudgmental atmosphere, which allows you to relax and enjoy your guided experience. I met a lot of fantastic people; who I hope to remain in contact with as we continue on our journeys. I am super excited for the next class!" -- Leslie Amyx, OH (May 2019)
"Last weekend I had the pleasure of taking Lisa's Discovering Your Psychic Self. She is a phenomenal teacher, great presentation and lots of fun activities. She has written a guided meditation that she started class with. It brought tears to my eyes to sit with my higher self for a moment. This class definitely validated question I've had about energy with the activities we did. She guides you through everything. Giving encouragement and ideas on how to tune into spirit and yourself in your own personal way. That atmosphere was warm, non-judemental and enlightening. Lisa presents and laugh alone will fill your heart with joy. She actually was the first person I've ever had a reading from. She is so in tune and dead on with things no one would know about you. Thank you Lisa for what you do. Keep inspiring and heal the world. 😇" -- Danielle Justice, OH (February 2019)
Click the Testimonials Tab to read more from other students who have taken this class
Have you ever wondered if you’re receiving a message from the afterlife?
Would you like to learn how to connect with your loved ones and Spirit Guides?
Come join in the fun as Lisa takes you on a journey to answer these questions and so much more!
This is a one-day course for those who are just curious or want to learn how to expand on their own gifts.
This course will cover:
Brief History of Spiritualism
Psychic vs Mediumship
Different types of Mediumship
What is Energy and how does it affect us
The Aura and layers of the Auric Field
The Chakra System
Understanding Spirit Signs and Symbols
Connecting with your Senses
How we get Information (Clairaudience, Clairsentience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance)
The Different Stages of Grief
Levels of Spirit
Spirit Guides and their communication
Information you will get during a Mediumship Reading
Do’s and Don’ts of Mediumship
Mediumship readings using Psychometry
Come and join in the fun and see what your loved ones want to share with you!
Cost: $225.00
When: Saturday, March 1, 2025
Time: 9am-6pm
Location: The Reiki Center, 1540 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212
Website: www.TheReikiCenter.net
To Register, please call The Reiki Center at 614.486.8323 or email: office@thereikicenter.net, or visit www.TheReikiCenter.net/Calendar
"I attended Beginning Mediumship taught by Lisa Noland-Shalosky. It was awesome! I went into the class not knowing what to expect. I’m not one of those people who have talked to spirits since I was a child or have had ghosts appear to me. I didn’t know if I had the ability to do this or not, but I knew I had an interest in Mediumship. The class was filled with information and activities, but the best part was that Lisa made it such a safe place to learn! Her teaching style is warm and encouraging. Oh and lots of fun! I started the class unsure and hesitant, but by the end of the class, Lisa had taken me to being confident and able. Before I knew it, I was conveying messages from souls of loved ones to members in the class! This experience was absolutely transformative for me! Truly life-altering! I feel like Mediumship is a glorious gift I was given, but just discovered! I don’t know if I would have identified any of this without Lisa! I am very grateful to her and appreciative of her gifts, which led me to mine!" -- Janelle Ozmun, OH (March 2019)
Click the Testimonials Tab to read more from other students who have taken this class.
Join Certified Spiritual Master Teacher Lisa Noland-Shalosky and Master EFT Practitioner Linda Wallace for a hands-on experiential class that will ignite your manifesting mojo and supercharge your ability to co-create with the Universe!
According to the popular book The Secret, “The law of attraction is forming your entire life experience and it is doing that through your thoughts. When you are visualizing, you are emitting a powerful frequency out into the Universe.”
Visualization is a simple exercise that has far reaching and life expanding results.
Visualization works – but only if you get out of your own way. We all have limiting beliefs that keep us from actualizing the life of our dreams and reaching on our greatest potential. These limiting beliefs keep our wants, wishes and desires just out of reach. What if you could remove some of those limiting beliefs and begin to bring about real change in your life…would you do it?
In this one-day workshop with the use of Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP), guided release and visualization exercises,
Finally understand:
Why you don’t attain your goals (it’s not your fault!)
Which internal conflicts are forcing you to sabotage yourself (willpower is not the issue!)
How you unknowingly, yet consistently, derail your manifestation efforts (you think you’re doing this right, but you aren’t!)
Why ‘like attracts like’ the key ingredient (alignment is a game changer!)
And how to rewire yourself for success!
In creating a Vision Board that Works, you will:
Create your own personal Vision board to take home as your own manifestation tool
Identify your specific areas that you want to bring to life
Learn how feeling vs. thinking takes manifesting your visualization to the next level
Understand how to “frequently” use your Vision Board on a daily basis
Come supercharge your ability to co-create with the Universe, be inspired and have fun creating your very own Vision Board that WORKS!
(All vision board supplies will be provided. Please feel free to bring photos, quotes, shiny things or anything else you may want to add to your board to class with you as well…most of all bring an open mind to create and have fun!)
Lisa Noland-Shalosky is a Certified Psychic, Certified Medium and one of only 30 Master Teachers in the world for the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development (LisaWilliams.com). To learn more about Lisa visit her website at www.LisaNoland.com or visit her on Facebook: LisaNolandPsychicMedium
Linda Wallace, is a Certified Hypnotherapist, Master Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Practioner, Certified Neurolinguistic Program (NLP) Practioner, and Author of “You Can Heal Your Kids” and various manifesting courses on DailyOM.com
Cost: $125.00
When: TBD
Time: 9am-6pm
Location: The Reiki Center, 1540 W. Fifth Ave., Columbus, OH 43212
Website: www.TheReikiCenter.net
To Register, please call The Reiki Center at 614.486.8323 or email: office@thereikicenter.net
"First would like to say that Lisa Noland is indeed an Earth Angel. I have been attending monthly psychic mediumship small groups to test the waters. I found the in-depth psychic mediumship training to be incredibly helpful in understanding some phenomena that I have experienced but never felt in a safe place or able to discuss. I learned so much more during the all-day class, through stories and theory. I found that I could truly test my abilities farther than I knew possible. I am excited to continue to learn from Lisa and continue to develop my mediumship and psychic abilities. Highly recommend for anyone, we all have abilities, and I have witnessed personally, in multiple small groups that I have attended, ALL people tapping into both psychic and mediumship. The energy is a fantastic place to learn." -- Sarah G., OH
"I loved the class! And you are such an excellent teacher!! So glad I could be a part of it!! Loved the experience!" -- Harini M, OH
"I took Lisa's Psychic Development class and it is was great. She is a great teacher and I learned more about my abilities than I ever thought I would. I can do things I didn't know I could. Very relaxed and calming atmosphere in the class. So much information. You can ask anything and you are never judged. I've been validated and encouraged for the first time. Whether you take a class or her services you will not be disappointed!!!!" -- Heather, OH (September 2022)
"I had the pleasure of taking Lisa’s Discovering Your Psychic Self Class this weekend. WOW! What a fantastic experience. Lisa is a fabulous teacher! She makes the class so interesting and fun. The class is provided in a nonjudgmental atmosphere, which allows you to relax and enjoy your guided experience. I met a lot of fantastic people; who I hope to remain in contact with as we continue on our journeys. I am super excited for the next class!" -- Leslie Amyx, OH (May 2019)
"Last weekend I had the pleasure of taking Lisa's Discovering Your Psychic Self. She is a phenomenal teacher, great presentation and lots of fun activities. She has written a guided meditation that she started class with. It brought tears to my eyes to sit with my higher self for a moment. This class definitely validated question I've had about energy with the activities we did. She guides you through everything. Giving encouragement and ideas on how to tune into spirit and yourself in your own personal way. That atmosphere was warm, non-judemental and enlightening. Lisa presents and laugh alone will fill your heart with joy. She actually was the first person I've ever had a reading from. She is so in tune and dead on with things no one would know about you. Thank you Lisa for what you do. Keep inspiring and heal the world. 😇" -- Danielle Justice, OH (February 2019)
"I attended the Discovering Your Psychic Self class taught by Lisa Noland-Shalosky. It was the first class I've ever taken about developing my intuitive side and the first class at the Reiki Center. I was nervous as often happens when I try something new, but Lisa was fabulous and immediately made me feel comfortable! The class was super fun! One of the first activities was a beautiful meditation! It was written by Lisa and was incredibly moving and lovely. The meditation definitely put the entire class in the right mind-set for the rest of the day! The class was very hands-on and Lisa had several activities, plus psychic tools for us to try and experience. Lisa is a gifted teacher and led us through each new section with lots of knowledge and humor! I wasn't sure if I had psychic abilities or not when I decided to take the class. I found out during the class that some psychic methods and tools speak to me more than others, which is valuable to know. And the best part is that I discovered that I have more psychic ability than I thought! Lisa was kind, encouraging, warm, and fun! I highly recommend this class and Lisa as a teacher! Thank you, Lisa! You touched my heart!" --Janelle Ozmun, OH (February 2019)
"I absolutely loved your class. You are a very skilled spiritual teacher and I'm so happy to have met you. I'm excited for your next class." -- Kim, OH (March 2019)
"I attended Beginning Mediumship taught by Lisa Noland-Shalosky. It was awesome! I went into the class not knowing what to expect. I’m not one of those people who have talked to spirits since I was a child or have had ghosts appear to me. I didn’t know if I had the ability to do this or not, but I knew I had an interest in Mediumship. The class was filled with information and activities, but the best part was that Lisa made it such a safe place to learn! Her teaching style is warm and encouraging. Oh and lots of fun! I started the class unsure and hesitant, but by the end of the class, Lisa had taken me to being confident and able. Before I knew it, I was conveying messages from souls of loved ones to members in the class! This experience was absolutely transformative for me! Truly life-altering! I feel like Mediumship is a glorious gift I was given, but just discovered! I don’t know if I would have identified any of this without Lisa! I am very grateful to her and appreciative of her gifts, which led me to mine!" -- Janelle Ozmun, OH (March 2019)
“I cannot extol the benefits of Lisa’s Psychic Development classes and workshops enough. If you find yourself on a spiritual path and are interested in advancing your psychic skills or are merely interested in various subjects, I would highly recommend these classes and workshops. Lisa presents them in a way that gives each person a chance to participate, take an active part, and have questions answered in a safe and loving environment. Besides learning, you find yourself making many new friends with like interests. Thank you Lisa, for helping me remember to follow my inner guidance, connect with my "psychic self" and stay true to myself and my beliefs.” – Psychic Development Class Student
"I am honored to have been part of Lisa’s first Psychic development class. The class was fun, inspiring and very informative. Lisa is a great teacher and friend who truly cares about people. She helped me to feel more of the special connection we all have with Spirit. Not only was the class helpful in developing my psychic skills and awareness, it also expanded on my spiritual experiences. To be honest I never felt like I was psychic or could be psychic. I thought this was reserved for a select gifted few. During the course of the class I discovered that not only does Everyone have the ability to be psychic but I also discovered I already was an Empath and Claircognizant. For me these abilities do not appear overnight but are already part of us and with discovery and practice I can expand them to a greater capacity. I thank Lisa for giving me the confidence and knowledge to better myself and discover these wonderful talents we all have access to. She is a very gifted psychic and teacher but to me her biggest strength is her heart. It is an absolute pleasure to know Lisa, many thanks" Psychic Development Class Student, David Howard, Columbus, OH
"Lisa’s personal story is such an inspiration, the epic triumph over following societal expectations to realize that Universal guidance had even bigger plans! Her classes/workshops have transformed my life in such a very positive way. Even though I awakened long ago, I, too, was still on the journey society had laid out for me, but Lisa’s story touched me and gave me the strength to remember to look within to a higher form of guidance. In Lisa's psychic development classes I learned to re-trust my intuition and "psychic self" and further develop my own connection to be led moment by moment to my true purpose. Lisa provides a loving and safe environment for people new to spiritual growth as well as advanced courses for those looking to continue to hone their psychic skills. Because of Lisa’s classes and advice, I have again started to follow my inner guidance to allow each moment unfold as it happens. Lisa is a loving teacher, guide, friend, and a reminder to us all that, anything is possible if we just listen to our own inner wisdom and Universal guidance.” – Psychic Development Class Student, Alison, Columbus, OH
"I decided to take Lisa's Psychic Development class to enhance my gifts. What I got out if the class was so much more. Lisa taught us so many different modalities that were new to me. She showed me that I can not only enhance the gifts I have, but I can gain new skills with practice. Through the class, I also developed new everyday coping skills that were appreciated by the people in my life. Also, I became friends with the other class members. I feel like I have gained a new community, and all around life enhancement through her class. I would recommend it to anyone and would love to take it again." -- Psychic Development Class Student, Jen Paul, Columbus, OH
"I took Lisa's 'Discovering Your Psychic Self Class'. I really enjoyed it and learned so much. Lisa knows her stuff; she did an excellent job of answering questions. She created a friendly, comfortable environment and was very encouraging. The exercises and homework she had us do really helped me develop my intuition. She also provided great material and book suggestions for us to continue studying and developing our skills on our own. It was a wonderful experience and I feel it was money well spent." -- Psychic Development Class Student, Erin S., Columbus, OH
"Took the Beginning Mediumship class! It was magnificent and so empowering! I recommend it even if you are just exploring yourself and your gifts. You will not be sorry you tried it!" -- Vanessa Jean, Columbus, OH
"My friends and I took the Beginning Mediumship class with Lisa at The Reiki Center. Everyone in the class were truly beginners. She assured us that we would be doing readings for each other by the end of class. THIS ONE SINGLE CLASS. Naturally- no one believed her. For sure I didn’t. She gently guided us down a path of learning about mediumship and ourselves. By the end of class, everyone was doing it. Every single one of us communicated with spirit by the end of an 8 hour class. Thank you Lisa! You’re amazing! Seeing is believing. Sign up and find out. You won’t be disappointed." -- JeanMarie, Columbus OH (2021)
"Your class was great. I never thought I would do as well as I did; that was amazing. You are a skilled teacher." -- Pam Purdom, OH (Beginning Mediumship 2021)
Vision Boards That Work! Testimonials
"This class was very informative and on a persona level -- liberating and life changing! Thank you so much for sharing your talents with us."
"Best birthday gift ever!"
"Simply transformative and life changing. Thank you!"
"You Ladies are incredible! Tapping was powerful. Also just understanding the power of wanting vs. having. Thanks for bringing energy, support and a non-judgmental open spirit."
"The real life experiences really added to how it ties into our personal lives."
"Class was more than I was expecting and I came away feeling empowered to move forward with my goals."
"Love, Love, Love! Life altering - the release of the limiting thoughts! Linda and Lisa - you are fabulous instructors and amazing humans! Thank you!"
"The teachers were awesome and knew the material very well."
"This process awakened me to what is blocking me in many areas of my life. It's an eye opener!"
"Magical experiences are all around you.... just breathe them in."
-- Lisa Noland-Shalosky, Psychic Medium